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Residential Finance Option




Manitoba Hydro Home
Energy Efficiency Loan

for Residential Windows & Doors

The maximum amount is $7,500.00 payable back over a 12 month to 60 month term on your monthly Hydro bill. The monthly repayment amount on your Hydro bill is dependent upon the term chosen. If you wish to purchase the windows and doors under the program, we have to complete the application and fax it in for approval before ordering the windows and/or doors. Once we have approval from Hydro the windows are ordered. Once the windows are installed or picked up, you must sign the completion certificate and we will then invoice Manitoba Hydro.


Information required to complete the
Manitoba Hydro Energy Efficiency Loan application
  • name (s) on Title of building

  • type of building

  • square footage of building

  • year home was built

  • number of stories

  • how home is heated

  • Hydro electric account number

  • owner(s) employer, address, position held, length of service, annual salary

  • mortgage, loans and obligations of owner(s), name of lender, amount owning and monthly payments

  • name of fire insurance company and amount of insurance



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